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1. Development of Aluminum alloy (Al6063) based hybrid composite using waste red mud and fly ash.
2. Study on Microstructure and machining characteristics of 7% B4Cp reinforced in Aluminum 6061 MMC produced by stir casting method.
3. Fabrication of Aluminum (Al6061) based hybrid composite using industrial waste such as Red mud and Fly ash as reinforcement. Investigation of mechanical and wear properties of composite material.
4. Investigations into interdiffusion in bond coat systems of B2 (Ni,Ru)Al and (Ni,Ru,Pt)Al

Published Papers

Elegant Abstract Background

1. Pradeep V Badiger, Sachin Kumar, Virupaxi Auradi, Vijaykumar Hiremath: International Journal of Modern Manufacturing Technologies, ISSN 2067–3604, Vol. X, No. 2 / 2018.

2. Sachin Kumar, Virupaxi Auradi, P S Ranjan: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR TRENDS IN ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, VOLUME 5 ISSUE 2 – MAY 2015 - ISSN: 2349 - 9303

3. Sachin Kumar, P S Ranjan, Prateek B, Kiran W: International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies (IJIRAS), Volume 5 Issue 10, October 2018.

4. Poster presentation at IIM-2022, topic Interdiffusion in Ni-Al-Ru System.

5. Poster presentation at IRS-2023, topic- Investigating the homogenization kinetics in Ni-Al-Ru system.

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